DJ Straw Hat EPK


Jazz-funk, Hip hop, and everything Groovy, these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect disk jockey. The very same ingredients, it turns out, that you acquire after having a career in the music industry spanning nearly a decade.

From numerous national tours with blues rock trio - Brendon Thomas and the Vibes, to playing jazz clubs in China, fashion shows, house parties and everything in between! Combine the above with a heavy dose of unhinged, infectious energy and you will probably find Timothee Nolier AKA DJ Strawhat behind the decks. Playing a huge range that promises to take the listeners on a journey through Tim’s mind and musical history it’s a sure hit with any crowd.


Notable Performances

Event Capacity Location
Gangzouh 400 Beijing
NZ Fashion Week - Closing Party 2000 Auckland
Tuning Fork 425 Auckland
San Fran 400 Wellington

Contact Us

Bookings & Inquiries:
Contact Number: 021 024 32540